
Sunt consectetur elit fugiat laborum incididunt proident irure.

Get in touch

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Frequently asked questions

Exercitation dolore reprehenderit fugi.

As soon as you purchase a course, you’ll be able to log in to your online learning portal straight away. You’ll receive a login and get weekly assignments that match the curriculum. Plus, you’ll have access to any past material that’s been uploaded. It’s simple and stress-free!

Nope, there are no prerequisites! All you need is a positive mindset and a willingness to learn, and you’ll be all set for an enjoyable learning journey.

At the moment, I don’t have sample lessons on the website, but feel free to follow me on social media at @EnglishwithChantelle to get a sneak peek into what my courses are all about!

Yes, I do offer a multi-student household subscription. I also run seasonal sales, so keep an eye out for those – you could grab a great deal!

I’ll be in touch regularly through weekly newsletters and announcements, and I’m always happy to hear from you! You can reach me by email anytime if you have questions or need to submit your work for feedback.

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